Term 2, 2024 Newsletter
Principals Message
West Coast SESC excursion to Hoyts Warwick: a memorable day out!
Anzac Day
School Ball
Student Reunion 2024
PE - Swimming Lessons
Area C - Update
Area G - Update
Pathway Planning - Vocational and Engagement Placements
Kids Helpline Workshop
Developmental Disabilities WA Friendship Project
Pizza Enterprise - Area L and Area M
Music Rocks
Work Skills - Area D
Future Living Information Session
WA Student Council
School Improvements
Principals Message

Here we are at the end of a long term…and halfway through 2024 already! Although it has been an eleven-week term, and everyone is tired, it has been a fabulous term with lots of great activities, excursions and successes.
Early in the term, we had a school development day where training in epilepsy was provided for staff as well as some intensive committee work around our operational plan. Staff were also offered flu vaccinations in preparation for the winter cold and flu season!
The pool changerooms were completed and we welcomed the Education Minister, Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA, and Jessica Stojkovski MLA, Member for Kingsley - who was instrumental in our school receiving funding for the project - to officially open the building. It will be fabulous to start using these facilities in term 4…how exciting!
Our manned crossing on Lloyd Drive has been fantastic and makes such a difference to the safety of our students as they come to school. Sean is our crossing person and has been doing a wonderful job. Please say hello to him if you see him!
The Music Rocks program continued this term, and the concert was held on 28th June. It was a fabulous evening – and our students were amazing! Kaine received the Most Improved Performer award – well done, Kaine!
Our school photo day went off smoothly but trying to get almost 180 people up on stands to get the whole school photo was hair raising! We may have to rethink for 2025!
Selected students attempted the OLNA testing this term and we are very proud of the progress they have been making. Katie Gill has been a strong advocate for this and has done a wonderful job of teaching the students each week.
There were many other events – but you will read about them in the newsletter. I am sure that you are all looking forward to the two-week break - returning for Term 3 on Monday 15th July.
I wish you all a very safe and relaxing holiday break and look forward to seeing you next term.
Carol Clarke
West Coast SESC excursion to Hoyts Warwick: a memorable day out!
On Wednesday, June 19th, the students and staff of West Coast SESC embarked on an exciting outing to Hoyts Warwick, for a special whole school excursion to watch the much-anticipated "Inside Out 2" movie.
The day began with classes leaving school in staggered intervals starting at 9:30 am, making their way on foot to the nearby cinema. Despite their excitement, the students exhibited remarkable patience as they eagerly awaited the cinema's doors to open. Once inside, they quickly found seats alongside their friends, ready and waiting for the movie to begin.
The atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation as the lights dimmed and "Inside Out 2" started to unfold on the big screen. The movie delved into the new emotions and challenges that young people encounter when navigating changes in social settings. It vividly portrayed the rollercoaster of feelings that accompany such changes, resonating deeply with both students and staff alike.
To complement the cinematic experience, the students and staff were treated to popcorn and water bottles. The combination of delicious movie snacks and captivating storytelling made for a thoroughly enjoyable time for everyone present.
Throughout the screening, the behaviour of the students was exemplary, reflecting their engagement and enthusiasm for the movie. Their attentiveness and positive demeanour added to the overall success of the excursion.
As applause echoed from the audience while the credits rolled and the lights came back on, it was clear that the trip had been a resounding success. The students and staff departed the cinema with smiles on their faces, having shared a memorable experience that reinforced the importance of understanding and managing one's emotions.
The West Coast SESC excursion to Hoyts Warwick for "Inside Out 2" was not just a trip to the movies, but a meaningful journey into the complexities of human emotions, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.
Mr Zachary Redknap, Teacher

Anzac Day

On the 24th of April, the students and staff of West Coast gathered solemnly around our flagpoles, where our national flags flew at half-mast. This gathering marked our ANZAC ceremony, a emotional occasion observed with reverence and learning.
In the days leading up to the assembly, students delved into the history of the ANZACs through dedicated sessions in HASS and Bush Rangers classes. They explored the significance of ANZAC Day, reflecting on its importance not only in Australia but also in ceremonies worldwide that commemorate the enduring impact of the ANZACs on our shared history.
As a symbol of remembrance, each student crafted a poppy, which they placed around the flagpoles, transforming our school garden into a touching ANZAC memorial. The atmosphere was one of respectful contemplation as students and staff paid their respects in silence during the haunting strains of the Last Post and the uplifting notes of Reveille. With the assistance of our Western Australian Student Councillors, Samson and Lucas, the flags were then raised to full-mast, symbolising hope and renewal.
This event was a resounding success, fostering deep engagement and understanding among our students ahead of the ANZAC Day public holiday. By immersing themselves in the lessons of history and tradition, our students gained a profound appreciation for the sacrifices made by the ANZACs and the enduring legacy they have left for generations to come.
Mr Zachary Redknap, Teacher

School Ball

West Coast SESC joined Warwick SHS for this year’s School Ball, held at Fraser’s, Kings Park. Firstly, we would like to extend our thanks to Kara Day’s family, for offering to host this year’s pre ball party. Students and their families were invited to attend and this enabled the students to meet up first, get excited together, and enjoy a soft drink and a delicious snack before travelling in the party bus to the ball.
The students were dressed impeccably and to document the special occasion they had some fantastic photos taken with their family and friends at the pre ball party.
On the night students enjoyed a delicious three course meal and spent the majority of their time on the dance floor. Our students show great enthusiasm on the dance floor and always endeavour to get the party started!!
The students should be commended for their fantastic behaviour on the night. They communicated effectively with others, danced with their friends, displayed great table manners and were a credit to themselves and their families. The night was fabulous and we are sure that they will remember the event with fond memories in years to come. Staff and students voted on the night and the special awards were presented to, Mikayla Koppl, Josh Atkinson and Mason McCullaugh. Congratulations to these students who were presented with a $50 Gift Card.
Thank you to all staff who helped to organise this event, to the staff who took the amazing photographs and those who supported the students on the night.
Mrs Rebecca Wenn, School Events Coordinator

Student Reunion 2024

West Coast Secondary Education Support Centre held our annual Student Reunion on Monday 10th June and we welcomed previous students from as far back as 2004!!
This is such a fantastic opportunity for past students to reconnect with both their peers and their teachers. As always it is wonderful to see so many familiar faces and to hear about the students’ learning journeys and reminisce with them. The room was full of love and laughter as we listened to our students’ new adventures post school. It was wonderful to hear how each and every one of the students are making a positive contribution to their community either through leisure pursuits, volunteering activities or work. Some of them now even driving their own vehicles which is great to see.
We look forward to continuing this tradition for years to come, as it forms a very special social event in the students’ calendars.
Mrs Rebecca Wenn, School Events Coordinator

PE - Swimming Lessons
Students from the West Coast Secondary Education Support Centre have shown remarkable enthusiasm and progress in their recent swimming lessons. These sessions, aimed at enhancing physical fitness and water safety skills, have seen active participation from all students. With the guidance of skilled instructors, students have not only improved their swimming techniques but also gained confidence in the water. The lessons provided an excellent opportunity for students to engage in a fun, healthy activity while developing essential life skills. The support and dedication from both teachers, education assistants and parents have been instrumental in making this program a resounding success.
Ms Aleisha West, Relief PE Teacher

Area C - Update

Salvation Army Doorways Program
Every Wednesday throughout the term, students and staff from Area C have been very busy preparing and cooking meals for the Salvation Army Doorways Program.
We have cooked a variety of delicious meals such as Shepherds Pie, Chilli Con Carne, Lasagne Casserole, Honey Mustard Chicken and Date Slice! The meals are then picked up and distributed to people experiencing food insecurity and homelessness within the community.
Sandra Fitzgerald Bloomer, the Doorways Site coordinator from the Salvation Army in Balga sent an email to our class thanking our students for their efforts and hard work and also sent a certificate of appreciation as a thank you to all involved .
We are so proud of our amazing students and look forward to continuing this fabulous program next term.
Mrs Erica Waldock , Teacher
Community Access
This term, students in Area C started their community access program. Each Thursday we get the Transperth bus to Warwick shops and buy ingredients in Coles for the school’s Barista Busters program. The students then have the opportunity to purchase their own lunch. The students are learning a wide variety of skills that they will use in their lives outside of school such as using cash to pay for items, using their Smart Rider to get on and off the bus, reading bus timetables and following a shopping list.
Area C have lots of fun on our weekly shopping trips and are very happy to help buy the supplies for the Barista Busters!
Ms Roisin Cummings, Teacher

Area G - Update
This term in STEM, Area G has been learning about the engineering design process. This process involves students asking a question, planning their design, testing with materials, improving and reflecting. It helps students (and engineers) make the best possible solution using creativity, knowledge and experience.
Before we asked our question, students were introduced to the da Vinci Bridge. As well as a famous painter, Leonardo da Vinci was an inventor and is credited for producing the first designs for the helicopter, a parachute and the self-supporting bridge. In Area G, we decided to challenge ourselves to make our own da Vinci’s bridge. Our engineering design question was: Can we design a bridge to be self-supporting? The challenge was to build an entire bridge using only the bridge materials supplied. The students were given craft sticks and no other material could be used- like blocks, glue or tape. The idea behind the design, is that when a weight is put on the bridge, the structure becomes stronger due to the forces acting on the material.
At first, the project was quite frustrating as the craft sticks were smooth and slid easily and the students had to start again many times. It took a lot of trial and error and all the students showed amazing perseverance and innovative thinking. Eventually, one of our students was successful in building a fully self-supporting bridge using only craft sticks. The design was tested successfully using the weight of a full water bottle and then repeated several times, each time refining and making improvements to the design.
This challenge required the students to be enterprising and adaptable- trying new ways of doing things, considering alternatives and persisting even when facing challenges. It was exciting to see some future engineers in Area G, ready to tackle the big challenges of the twenty-first century!
Ms Julie Day, Teacher

Pathway Planning - Vocational and Engagement Placements

Vocational Education and Training
In Term two we have 40 senior students that are participating in many varied workplace activities including building employability skills through volunteering, simulated workplaces, vocational work placement and working towards various VET qualifications.
This term the students have continued building their skills during work placements at our regular employers as well having several new employers coming on board for Semester 2 including Ikea and Alinea (Paraquad). We are also discussing potential new placements with several other employers and the team are always looking for new opportunities. Please get in touch if you have any friends or family that might like to host one of our students at their workplace.
We held a TAFE information incursion for our year 10 students where they learnt what the difference is between TAFE and School, to aid them to make more informed choices about their future. This also links in with the Year 9 Career taster program which some of our Year 9 students attended. The Career taster program includes excursions to North Metro TAFE to participate in workshops to discover career pathways and this term these included Early Education “It’s Childs Play”, Animation 3D and a Try a Trade in Bricklaying, Plastering and Tiling. Students get to do hands on activities in TAFE classroom settings to inform them of the different pathways they can choose in the future.
Students continued their VET qualifications by attending TAFE and completing online courses. Preparing for employment also continues with students completing First Aid Certificates, Skipper Tickets and Charged Up for Work employment skills courses.
Engagement Pathways
This term the Engagement Pathway students have been busy. Each week students have cooked food for their community service program with The Salvation Army Doorways, providing food for those in need. The students have continued with their Microenterprise, using the Cricut machine to decorate tote bags which will be for sale later in the year. Before the weather got too cold students carried on with the Term 1 Work Place Learning in school car wash program. We now have students participating in the Community Access program which involves using public transport to access Warwick Grove and complete a variety of shopping tasks. Some students have also been attending supported employment places such as Work Power, InteLife and Better You Services, or volunteering placements including Give Write, People Who Care and Life Blood. These are all great opportunities for students to explore options for the future and to develop their employability and engagement skills.
The Pathway Planning team have been working towards providing tailored programs based on students’ abilities and needs. This will help students to become more aware of their post school options.
Mrs Suzanne Nileshwar, Teacher

Kids Helpline Workshop
Kids Helpline delivered a workshop to students across all year levels this term. Students learned about the Kids Helpline organisation, the services they offer and how they can access Kids Helpline and the supports available. The Year 7 and 8 workshop focused on Cyber Bullying and Mental Health. The Year 9 workshop focused on Help-Seeking. The Year 10 and 11 workshop focused on Respectful Relationship and the Year 11, 12 and 13 workshop focused on Coping with Changes and Transitions. Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free (even from a mobile), confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Qualified counsellors at Kids Helpline are available via Webchat and kids needing help can phone at anytime and for any reason. For some young people, connecting with Kids Helpline has been a life-saving experience, while for others it’s about practical help and emotional support at the critical moment they need someone to listen. The website also provides lots of useful information on a wide range of topics.
Mrs Suzanne Nileshwar, Teacher

Developmental Disabilities WA Friendship Project
Developmental Disability WA (DDWA) ran the Friendship Project with upper school students this term. This project was designed to help students with disability in years 10-12 to make and maintain friendships and to link into their local communities after they leave school. The four sessions explored how to make friends and friendship issues, such as what is a good friend, what does a bad friendship look like, getting to know new people, trust, keeping in touch etc. The DDWA are also working with local councils to encourage them to connect with schools and let students and parents know what activities and clubs they have on offer that are welcoming and accessible to people of ALL abilities. https://ddwa.org.au/
Mrs Suzanne Nileshwar, Teacher
Pizza Enterprise - Area L and Area M

During Term two on Thursdays, upper school students have actively participated in our pizza enterprise program. This initiative required students to manage orders, prepare pizza dough, compile a list of pizza varieties needed, and create corresponding shopping lists. Throughout the term, students have not only developed culinary skills but also honed essential workplace competencies.
They have learned safe food handling practices, ensuring hygiene and cleanliness at all stages. Working around the oven has taught them valuable safety protocols in a kitchen environment. Moreover, meeting deadlines has emphasized the importance of time management and teamwork as they collaborated with their peers.
These skills are not only beneficial in our school environment but also highly transferable to future employment opportunities. Understanding safe food practices and kitchen safety are fundamental in hospitality and food service industries. Mastering teamwork and meeting deadlines are crucial in any professional setting.
Looking ahead, in Term three, the pizza enterprise will continue, now scheduled for Wednesdays. This continuity allows students to build upon their skills and further enhance their entrepreneurial spirit in a practical, hands-on manner.
Mr Anthony Raschilla, Teacher

Music Rocks
West Coast Secondary Shines at Rosemount Hotel Music Showcase
On Tuesday, June 18th, the Rosemount Hotel was buzzing with excitement as our Music Rock Superstars took the stage to showcase their newly honed skills. The event was a spectacular display of talent and inclusivity, with every participating school delivering fabulous performances. However, without sounding too biased, our West Coast Secondary musicians truly stole the show.
Our talented line up featured Mikayla on vocals, Anthony on guitar and vocals, Jude on keyboard, and Kaine on drums. Each student delivered an outstanding performance, captivating the audience with their musical prowess. Mikayla's powerful vocals, Anthony's seamless guitar playing, Jude's mesmerizing keyboard skills, and Kaine's dynamic drumming created an unforgettable evening of music.
The highlight of the night was undoubtedly Kaine, who not only wowed the crowd with his incredible drum solo but also took home the award for Most Improved Student. His dedication and hard work were clearly evident, making his achievement even more remarkable.
We are immensely proud of our students for their outstanding performances and the dedication they have shown to their craft. The evening was a delightful celebration of their talent, and we look forward to witnessing their continued growth and success in the future.
Tamara Gill, Parent Liaison Officer

Work Skills - Area D
Wow, what a term we have had in the Work Skills Room! We continue to develop our working relationship with both REmida and Give Write and we are currently looking at other job opportunities for our school. These working relationships are important to our school as they provide us with invaluable tasks for our students to experience and they provide some of our students with work placement opportunities.
We have had a lot of variation of jobs this term, which means our students have been exposed to a lot of different skills. Our REmida jobs have been more magnets; removing from packaging, and labels removed from each magnet, which are also to be recycled by REmida. This job has been a favourite for most of our students in Work Skills, but sadly this job has come to an end. We have done a lot of sorting this term; separating cards and envelopes and sorting hard and soft plastics. We also had a cutting, sorting, and recycling job with medical swabs, which proved to be another enjoyable job.
The Work Skills room continues to support Give Write by cleaning, testing, and sorting their donations. This term we have worked with twistable crayons, pens, highlighters, and pencils. We have been working behind the scenes, to work out a way to recycle crayon wax. As part of the recycling process, we removed crayon wax from twistables if they were unable to be donated. We have an idea in mind and this will hopefully come to fruition next term….watch this space!
Our lovely Area F students also enjoyed putting together all our new classroom Evacuation Bags. Included in each pack was an umbrella, first aid supplies, games, and activities. We had Work Skills Room set up like a workplace and every student had the responsibility of placing an item in the bag. This was an enjoyable experience and one that had them working as a team. Great work “Team F”.
Mrs Jennifer Hermans, Work Skills Education Assistant

Future Living Information Session
The session held on 24 May 2024, aimed to empower families to better financially plan for and secure the futures of their loved ones with disabilities. We had two of their knowledgeable staff representatives to address this crucial topic.
The three main topics discussed were:
Planning for the Future – Parents were introduced to the foundational steps in creating a long-term plan for their children.
Navigating Legal and Financial Supports – details were provided on navigating the complex landscape of legal and financial supports available.
Ensuring Security after a parent passing - Future Living's experts outlined strategies for securing the futures of children with disabilities, ensuring they remain protected and supported.
The session was a beacon of hope for many parents, offering not just information but also reassurance that there are dedicated resources and strategies available to help them secure a stable future for their children.
We hope to make this session an annual event.
Tamara Gill, Parent Liaison Officer
WA Student Council

Our two WA Student Council representatives, Lucas and Samson were invited by WAESPAA to visit Burswood on Swan on Friday the 22nd of March, to meet and talk with the Director General, about their student councillor roles. They both did really well and were excellent student representatives.
Mrs Christine Abbott, Teacher
School Improvements
We are thrilled to announce the completion of two minor upgrades to our school grounds.
The first improvement involved the installation of yellow tactile surface tiling at the bottom of the footpath located behind Area M, running parallel to the pool area. This enhancement is designed to provide better accessibility and safety for all students and staff.
The second upgrade involved the installation of metal balustrading along the eastern edge of the footpath behind the Administration block. This addition contributes to the overall safety of our school environment.
We are pleased to see these upgrades come to fruition.
Mrs Deborah Pember, Work Health and Safety Officer